Friday, July 3, 2009

Tiny Morning Glory

These are flowers from around the farmhouse in which we were staying... the tiny morning glory was growing in rocky soil amidst a long row of lavender that lined the drive.  The bloom was the size of a nickle.  The pink flower was probably a garden planting some time ago. The leaves were gray, which set off the pink flowers beautifully.   I don't know the name of this one, however I am becoming more determined to identify all that I drew on this trip.  I have a field guide, but as it's written in French and the pictures are tiny, it doesn't help one bit.  What now?

Another trip to Provence is definitely coming to mind!  


  1. I am enjoying your journal entries from you Provence trip. I understand about wanting to know their names. These is just something wonderful about identifying a plant in a field guide. Very satisfying feeling.

  2. Thanks for all your nice comments, Judy. I'm glad you showed me how to revisit old journals and post old drawings instead of nothing. It's fun for me too, to remember being there - all the sights and sounds and scents and happy family memories. Really does make me want to go back.
