Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Grass - Purple Tridens

Message to my readers:  It's been almost a year since the book "Middlewood Journal" came out.  What a fun, busy time I had traveling, talking about journaling, and making new friends!  Alas, all that activity gave me little time to unwind enough to go out and journal, and then come back in and post.  I walked, yes, and sometimes journaled, but somehow they didn't make it to this blog.  But now... I'm back!  I hope to post at least once a week.   Thanks for your patience,  Helen

TODAY:    Even if the trees are not showing much enthusiasm color-wise, fall weather is working its magic this morning at Middlewood.  Up on Jay's Hill a stiff northerly breeze blew across the grasses causing them to swirl and dip.   Fall field crickets chirruped all around, and tiny grasshoppers bounced around the grasses under foot.  Two buckeye butterflies twirled and danced in the cool wind.  We are supposed to have temps in the 30's by Friday... I wonder about those buckeyes... do they hibernate like mourning cloaks?  Will have to look that up.

I sat to draw near a Tulip Poplar that grows alone on top of the hill.   My view was the sloping hill, a line of treetops (from lower down) that are just barely turning color, and beyond to Hogback Mountain and the whole range (in NC) north from there.  The sky above me was deep blue, with the horizon pale and filled with lines of small scurrying clouds.  When gusts came in from the north, leaves on the poplar rattled and were torn from the tree, and once on the ground they bumped and tumbled across the grass.   

Only one flower was visible from where I sat - a lone dandelion, glowing in the sun.  At first I thought to draw it, but when I got close I realized that a huge ant hill (fire ants) had been built all around the plant.  Enough said, yes?  Instead I just picked a non-anty spot to sit and found this small tuft of tridens grass with one spent seedhead.  

Daisy and Duke sat near me while I drew and studied the view.  They are both four years old now and settling down nicely as journaling companions... well, except for an occasional burst of Dukie Itchiness that causes him to stand up, and then throw himself onto the ground with a loud UMPH, followed by some serious wallowing and back-scratching.  It ends with him standing back up and shaking all the dead grass onto me.  Then, of course, he gives me a big Golden Slurp, and also of course, Daisy has to get in on the action and comes to give me a dainty little Collie Kiss.  It ends with them going back to their spots to sit and enjoy the view, and me going back to my journal. 

The last of the morning glories for this year.

Heading back to the house.


  1. Great to see you back posting again, Helen. Lovely sketch! Glad you avoided the fire ants. How sweet Daisy and Duke are. The morning glories are beautiful! We see them blooming near the creek at the end of our street.

    By the way, I bought your book and love it! Very inspiring and beautifully presented.

  2. Helen, you didn't tell your readers you WON AN AWARD for 'Middlewood Journal' & that's big news!

  3. Welcome back Cousin Helen! Love your sketch and photo's but have to admit other than your journaling, my favorite is the photo of the Double D's heading home. Such sweet companions.

  4. I love this so. What a joy it was to read your words so closely when we were building the book! Hooray for more journaling!
