If you live in or around Spartanburg County, SC and are interested in having your own blog, Daisy suggests the following....
Workshop: Blog as Noun, Blog as Verb
Helen Correll and Ned Barrett
February 27, 7-9pm at The Showroom
Over the last decade, “blog” has become a noun and a verb, both something we keep and something we do. Perhaps you would like to start a blog or improve on the blog you already have. This workshop will explain the benefits of blogging, help you define your blog, and discuss effective blog writing, approaching posts in a way that will attract readers and keep them coming back for more. With a fun and creative approach, you should leave the workshop with several posts written or planned and a direction for your blogging future.
Read more about HUB CITY WRITERS PROJECT and the workshop leaders, and register HERE.
FYI: It's going to be fun!